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Are you prepared to help a client with compulsive hoarding disorder?


I know how difficult it can be to treat Compulsive Hoarding Disorder.

I used to approach it with common therapies for OCD and anxiety, but too often that didn't work due to the complex underlying conditions that cause hoarding - like trauma. 

When I started using highly-customized interventions, and approached this disorder as its own condition, I started to see my clients develop a healthier sense of self and their disorder.

Hoarding is often misdiagnosed or overlooked - but you can be the answer a lot of families are searching for.

Join me in my digital course, Compulsive Hoarding: Conceptualizing and Treating the Chaos, where I will demonstrate specific interventions to minimize relapse, must-do's, the differences between hoarding and collecting, co-morbid disorders and much more.

The strategies you learn come from my specialized training in Compulsive Hoarding Disorder, OCD, a variety of OCD Spectrum disorders, anxiety, panic, PTSD, and much more to provide you with a complete treatment perspective for every client’s individual needs.

Few therapists are trained in successfully treating this disorder, but with this course, you can become one and elevate your practice at the same time.

I hope you join me, 
Pam Kaczmarek, PsyD

Up to 6 CE Hours - Only $189.99

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Only Available at this Price for a Limited Time
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What You Will Learn


The Foundations of Hoarding

  • Trauma and hoarding.
  • History, definition, DSM-V updates.
  • Understanding what leads to clutter, what's most commonly hoarded, how items are collected and hoarding characteristics/features. 
  • Neurocognitive deficits, hoarding behaviors, CBT model for hoarding, Compulsive Hoarding vs. OCD, Hoarding vs. Collecting, animal hoarding. 
  • Risk factors, impact of culture, demographics, obsessions vs. compulsions in OCD. 
  • Distinguish Axis I OCD from Axis II Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).


How to accurately assess and diagnose hoarding

  • Nosological and clinical considerations.
  • Co-morbid diagnoses - including Axis I & II disorders.
  • Organic hoarding vs. Hoarding Disorder.
  • Egosysteonic vs. Egodystonic considerations.
  • Assessment tools specific to hoarding + a level of insight in hoarding vs. non-hoarding OCD. 
  • Thinking styles, beliefs about possessions, and avoidance patterns. 

Customized Treatment Planning

  • Brain structure differences that impact your treatment planning. 
  • Techniques such as motivational interviewing, medications, psycho-education and much more. 
  • Simulated exercises to demonstrate how to approach hoarding behavior in your practice. 
  • How to consider stages of change, examples with compulsive hoarders to develop customized treatments. 

Interventions for Hoarding Behavior

  • How to sequence your sessions for maximum impact + positive results. 
  • Methods to approach hoarding - CBT, Cognitive Restructuring, Somatic Awareness, Group Work, Downward Arrow techniques and much more to work with. 
  • How to treat organization problems, plus acquiring & discarding tendencies. 
  • Must-Dos, Watch Outs, and using Behavioral Experiment as a tool with hoarders. 
  • The best interventions to minimize relapse. 


Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors
Case Managers
Clinical Supervisors
Marriage & Family Therapists
Nurses/Nurse Practitioners
Psychiatric Nurses
Primary Care Physicians
Social Workers



"I have a much larger understanding of the conditions. Dr. Kaczmarek's knowledge and skill as presenter is impressive. She also related very well to the participants. Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation."

- Mae Chinn Songer


Up to 6 CE Hours -

Only $189.99

Enroll Now

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Meet Your Instructor


Dr. Pamela Kaczmarek



Dr. Pamela Kaczmarek is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and the owner of Pronk Professional Services, LLC, a small specialty niche private practice providing professional services to individual and organizations nationwide. 

She specializes in OCD and Compulsive Hoarding, but also works with Dental & Medical Phobias, eating disorders, depression, grief, anxiety, panic, PTSD, stress management, trauma, chronic pain management, the neurobiology of human attachment, and interpersonal neurobiology, working with first responders, and professional/athletic psychological performance enhancement. 


Dr. Kaczmarek provides services such as:

  • Forensic testing, diagnostic clarification, second opinion, consultation, report writing, letters to the Court, and expert court witness for trial cases within her expertise - for clients who represent defendants in Court. 

  • Training, custom presentations, and clinical therapeutic services that directly and indirectly treat conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Stress Management, Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Hoarding Disorder, and Trauma.

  • Direct clinical care to patients - including offering cutting-edge, state-of-the-art experiential therapy. 




Some of her trainings & methods include:

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from the BTTI (Behavior Therapy Training Institute) and International OCD Foundation, including Compulsive Hoarding Disorder and a variety of OC Spectrum Disorders.

  • Trauma Counseling Level II Certified from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Continuing Education. 

  • EMDR training through EMDRIA and has completed EMDR level II (highest) training.

  • Certified in Child & Family Studies.

  • Somatic Experiencing® (SE) originated by Dr. Peter Levine PhD and EMDR to address deeply rooted psychological traumas with patients, as well as CBT, Talk Therapy and Prolonged Exposure. She also uses Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), Solution-Focused, Client-Centered, and Experiential therapies.




"I learned a lot about hoarding disorder. Pam is a great presenter who keeps the audience awake and uses various learning techniques."

- Demetria Costa 



Continuing Education Approvals

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Become one of the few therapists properly trained to diagnose and treat
Compulsive Hoarding Disorder.
Discover customized treatment plans and invest in your career today.




Up to 6 CE Hours -

Only $189.99

Enroll Now

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