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Benjamin White, PT, DPT, C/NDT

BENJAMIN WHITE, PT, DPT, C/NDT, serves as the lead Neurological Physical Therapist for an acute care and outpatient setting. His primary daily duties include servicing patients of neurological diagnoses including stroke, brain injury and Parkinson's.  He is also a certified Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) practitioner specializing in stroke and brain injury care, and serves on the NDT publication committee, aiding fellow team members in the production of publications that outline proper care of the neurological patient. Dr. White also serves as a Clinical instructor to the DPT student population. He is a published author through the NDT Association highlighting budding research on how neuroplasticity can in fact occur in all patients post stroke across the continuum.  Dr. White has previously served as the hospital's falls committee chair and now helps lead a local Parkinson's Association. He is certified in Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG servicing this patient population with evidenced based medicine and a return to their desired level of function. 


Financial – Receives a speaking honorarium from Vyne Education

Nonfinancial – No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists

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