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James Beauregard, PhD,

JAMES BEAUREGARD, PhD, is a Clinical Neuropsychologist with over 20 years of experience working with the elderly in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia. He works in a geropsychiatry practice providing outpatient neuropsychological evaluations and consultation to inpatient neuropsychiatry, inpatient rehabilitation medicine in the general medical floors at two large community hospitals. He is a graduate of Northeastern University, Boston, and completed neuropsychology fellowship training at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the departments of neurology and psychiatry, and at Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital, Worcester, Massachusetts. Dr. Beauregard is a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, the New Hampshire Psychological Association, in the International Neuroethics Society. He is a past member, and chair of the New Hampshire Psychological Association Ethics Committee. He teaches Neuropsychology in the PsyD program at Rivier University in Nashua, New Hampshire. He has led ethics Roundtables at the New Hampshire Psychological Association conferences, conducting forums for clinical discussion of contemporary issues in ethics, and providing ethics consultations to clinical practices.

Financial-Receives a speaking honorarium from Vyne, LLC.
Nonfinancial-No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.

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