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Jean Keim, PhD, ABPP,

JEAN KEIM, PhD, ABPP, is a Licensed Psychologist with over 20 years of experience training mental health professionals in diagnostics and psychopathology. Dr. Keim has authored over 100 presentations and publications for mental health professionals on topics such as trauma, mental health emergencies, multicultural issues, and group counseling. Her book, Case Studies in Ethics, Diagnosis and Treatment: Images of Clients' Lives, was a finalist for Book of the Year, Midwest Independent Publishers Association. In addition, Dr. Keim is a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychologists (ABPP) and past president of the American Psychological Association's Division 49.

She compiled the most up-to-date information on DSM-5 based on the latest research in the field. Dr. Keim's teaching approach is enhanced by her extensive clinical experience helping clients with schizophrenia, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD, as well as eating, bipolar, depressive, and neurodevelopmental disorders. She has supervised countless masters and doctoral level clinicians seeking mental health licensure and taught psychological appraisal, theories of psychotherapy, career counseling, ethics, group psychotherapy, program evaluation, crisis intervention, human development, clinical techniques, and brief therapy. Dr. Keim encourages discussion during her seminar, employing informative and interactive examples. Her use of humor and interaction with attendees results in an enjoyable learning experience.

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