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Jennifer Robers Miller, MS, LPC,

JENNIFER ROBERS MILLER, MS, LPC, has specialized in early childhood trauma for nearly 15 years and also has experience in crisis counseling, pediatric residential treatment, and managing chronic and persistent mental illness in children and adults. She currently works in private practice at Northshore Clinic in Sheboygan, WI. Ms. Robers Miller was part of a pioneering Head Start Mental Health project targeting early intervention for children suffering the effects of exposure to trauma, poverty, and other mental health and behavioral issues. She is also trained in attachment in traumatized children and families, effects of exposure to violence on brain development, lead exposure and malnutrition, sensory integration dysfunction, and diagnosing young children. Ms. Robers Miller has worked as a Clinician-Mental Health Consultant for inner-city Baltimore Head Start programs, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Birth to Three Behavioral Specialist, and University of Wisconsin Madison guest lecturer. She regularly gives workshops and trainings to local daycare providers, early interventionists, and parents, and serves on a local committee dedicated to raising awareness of the mental health needs of children in the community.

Financial-Receives a speaking honorarium from Vyne, LLC.
Nonfinancial-No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.

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