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Joe Borich, JD, LLM,

JOE BORICH III, JD, LLM, has been a certified mediator, author, and a practicing attorney for over 30 years. He currently has his own firm in Kansas City, Kansas, where he provides legal, consulting, and business coaching services for the health care industry. Throughout his legal career, Mr. Borich has worked extensively in the area of medical records and personal privacy and has considerable litigation experience in health care related cases, including serving as the defense attorney in the nation's largest Medicare anti-kickback prosecution.

Mr. Borich has worked for the Department of Justice and served as an Assistant Attorney General stationed in New York and Washington, D.C. Having given seminars for Vyne, LLC for nearly a decade, Mr. Borich is an accomplished speaker who uses his experience and knowledge to deliver a complete learning experience. Mr. Borich will provide the necessary analysis and focus of HIPAA and how it interacts with current state and other federal laws.

Financial-Receives a speaking honorarium from Vyne, LLC.
Nonfinancial-No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.

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