Kristi Miller, RN, MSN, HNB-BC
KRISTI MILLER, RN, MSN, HNB-BC is a certified registered nurse with over 10 years of experience in nursing, and nearly 25 years of experience in education. She is currently the owner of Safety First Nursing, dedicated to supporting the physical, mental and emotional safety of healthcare workers and their patients by providing innovative, cutting edge continuing education experiences. Kristi led multiple Root Cause Analysis sessions in her role as Patient Safety Officer at Carepartners/Mission Hospitals. While patient safety officer, she led critical changes in the way medical error was handled, resulting in improved outcomes for patients and increased staff satisfaction. Kristi has taught nurses and nursing students in many settings, including community colleges, universities and hospitals. She is a published author on the topic of patient safety, and is currently working on her doctorate in nursing. She expects that the results of her research into the Effect of Root Cause Analysis on Student Nurses’ Safe Medication Administration Practice will improve patient safety and increase nurse satisfaction in the workplace.