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Polly Benson, OTR/L,

POLLY BENSON, OTR/L, is a licensed Occupational Therapist with more than 20 years of clinical experience working with school-aged children who have special needs or physical disabilities. Currently, she works with a school-based services company called Comprehensive Therapy Consultants. Ms. Benson focuses on evaluation and treatment of students with various levels of deficits. In her work, she has effectively implemented individualized treatment strategies and goals using the power of smart technology. Ms. Benson served as the Lead Occupational Therapist on the Assistive Technology team, and, as a result, was recognized for her involvement in an iPad pilot study within the county school system. She utilized technology during her time as an owner and operator of a fitness facility for children, implementing exergame technology for weight loss. Because of her extensive experience combining treatment and technology, Ms. Benson has authored numerous presentations and spoken nationally for several conferences and workshops. She received her degree in Allied Medicine from The Ohio State University and is an active member of the American Occupational Therapy Association.

Financial- Receives a speaking honorarium from Vyne Education.
Nonfinancial-No relevant nonfinacial relationship exists.

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